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Support Brain + Immune Health with NeuroPro Infant Formula
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Brain size triples

Of adult brain size reached

We Took the Nutrients That Make a Difference in Baby Brain Development

...and Pioneered MFGM in Formula

Our innovative technologies and achievements in breast milk research brought MFGM's amazing benefits to infants.

MFGM's Big Benefit? We Call It Our MFGM 5-Year Benefit!

Emerging studies show the role of MFGM components and their outcomes in infant formula.

Improved Cognitive Development Through 5 Years of Age*

The ability to perceive, analyze, understand, store and recall visual information.
A cognitive ability that describes how quickly a person's brain receives, understands and responds to information.

A measure of children's overall mental performance.
*Cognitive skills as indicated by WPPSI-IV, tested at 5.5 to 6 years of age in a study of infant formula with MFGM.




Discover Products That Have MFGM to Support the 5-Year Benefit

1. Colombo J, Carlson SE, Cheatham CL, Fitzgerald-Gustafson KM, Kepler A, Doty T. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infancy reduces heart rate and positively affects distribution of attention. Pediatr Res. 2001;70(4):406-410. 2. Drover J, Hoffman DR, Castañeda YS, Morale SE, Birch EE. Three randomized controlled trials of early long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on means-end problem solving in 9-month-olds. Child Dev. 2009;80(5):1376-1384. 3. Morale SE, Hoffman DR, Castañeda YS, Wheaton DH, Burns RA, Birch EE. Duration of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids availability in the diet and visual acuity. Early Hum Dev. 2005;81(2):197-203. 4. Birch EE, Garfield S, Hoffman DR, Uauy R, BIrch DG. A randomized controlled trial of early dietary supply of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and mental development in term infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2000;42(3):174-181. 5. Colombo J, Carson SE, Cheatham CL, et al. Long-term effects of LCPUFA supplementation on childhood cognitive outcomes. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013;98(2):403-412.