Year 1 milestones
- Looks for and is able to find where a sound comes from
- Responds to their name when you call it
- Waves goodbye
- Looks where you point when you say, "Look at the puppy"
- Babbles with intonation (voice rises and falls as if speaking in sentences)
- Takes turns "talking" with you; listens and pays attention when you speak and then resumes babbling when you stop
- Says “Dada” or “Mama”
- Says at least one word
- Points to out-of-reach items they want; makes sounds while pointing
Years 1 and 2 milestones
- Follows simple commands, first when the adult speaks and gestures, and then later with words alone
- Retrieves objects from another room when asked
- Points to a few body parts when asked
- Points to interesting objects or events to get you to look at them
- Brings things to you to show you
- Points to objects so you’ll name them
- Can name some common objects when asked
- Enjoys pretending (for example, pretend cooking); uses gestures and words with you or with a favorite stuffed animal
- Learns about one new word a week between 1 and 2 years old
Year 2 milestones
- Points to many body parts and common objects on command
- Points to some pictures in books
- Follows one-step commands without a gesture, such as, "Put your cup on the table"
- Able to say 50 to 100 words
- Says several two-word sentences and phrases, "Daddy go," "Doll mine," and "All gone"
- Half of their babbles are understood by other kids or adults
If you have any questions about your baby's development with these year 1 and year 2 milestones, always ask your pediatrician. Early intervention can make a significant difference.
I’d say... it will all turn out fine. Loving your baby is the most important thing. – Enfamil® mom