Pregnancy Fatigue
In the first trimester, your body produces a lot of progesterone, which acts as a sedative. Combine that with the fact that your body’s working to increase your blood supply—your pulse quickens by 10–15 beats per minute—and it’s no surprise you’re tired. You’ve got a lot going on! Don’t worry, once the baby's placenta is formed by the end of your third month, you should have more energy.
Tips for Dealing with Pregnancy Fatigue
- Rest as much as possible
- Drink enough water and snack nutritiously if you sleep through mealtime
- Try to exercise for energy boosts, but check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program
First Trimester Nausea
Morning sickness isn’t just for mornings—lucky you! The queasiness stems from a rise in your estrogen level and affects 50–90% of expectant moms.
Tips for Dealing with First Trimester Nausea
- Keep something in your stomach at all times—even if eating is the last thing you want to do. Crackers, cereal, ginger tea, or fruit can all help settle your stomach
- Avoid greasy foods and foods with strong flavors or smells
- If you're vomiting, remember to rehydrate with fluids
- Call your doctor if the nausea and vomiting become severe, especially if you’re unable to keep food or fluids inside of you over 4–6 hours
Frequent Urination
As your uterus increases in size, it puts more pressure on your bladder.
Tips for Dealing with Frequent Urination in the First Trimester
- Stop drinking fluids a few hours before bedtime
- Reduce bladder irritants such as carbonated beverages, citrus, and caffeine
First Trimester Constipation
These first trimester issues are caused by the hormones your body uses during pregnancy, which are also slowing down your intestinal tract.
Tips for Easing First Trimester Constipation
- Drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods
- Exercise can help your body stay energized and regular. Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program
Breast Tenderness
Blame it on the hormone surge. Again.
Tips for Easing Breast Tenderness in the First Trimester
- Wear a support or athletic bra, even at night if necessary.
- Make sure you change your bra size as needed. Women often change bra sizes multiple times throughout their pregnancy
First Trimester Headaches and Dizziness
Your increased blood supply and soaring hormone levels can cause headaches and light-headedness during the first few months of pregnancy. As your body gets used to the hormone levels, the headaches should subside. In the meantime, follow some of these first trimester pregnancy tips to get relief.
Tips for Easing Headaches and Dizziness in the First Trimester
- For sinus headaches, apply a warm compress to the front and sides of your face or forehead
- For tension headaches, try a cold compress on the back of your neck
- Try to relax, and be sure to snack throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels steady
- Ask your doctor about baby-friendly medications for headache relief, such as Tylenol
Hopefully, these first trimester pregnancy tips will help bring you some comfort and make this time more exciting than symptom-laden. Find out which issues will dissipate in your second trimester.