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    Easiest Stir-Fry Ever

    Easiest Stir-Fry Ever

    Looking for a “Stir-Fry for Dummies”? Here you go! Absolutely no chopping and no sauce making. Make it with or without chicken.

    Hands-on - 30 min.
    Serves 6.

    Uncle Ben's whole-grain instant brown rice, dry 3/4 cup
    water 1 1/2 cups
    onion 1 small
    skinless, boneless chicken breasts (optional)* 3 (4 oz each)
    oil (canola or sesame) 1 T
    frozen mixed stir-fry vegetables 2 bags (16 oz each)
    La Choy sweet & sour sauce 1 jar (10 oz)
    slivered almonds or chopped walnuts or cashews 1/2 cup


    • Place rice and water in a medium nonstick saucepan.
    • Cover, bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to medium-low. Set timer for 5 minutes.
    • When timer sounds, remove from heat and allow to sit, covered.
    • Cut onion into wedges and chicken into strips.
    • Heat oil in a nonstick wok over medium-high heat. Add onion and chicken.
    • Stir-fry until chicken is browned.
    • Add vegetables to wok (no need to thaw). 
    • Cook 11 to 13 minutes to desired tenderness. It's ready when the water from the vegetables evaporates.
    • Stir in sweet & sour sauce and nuts. 
    • Let cook 2 more minutes, then serve over brown rice.

    *As another option, 12 oz. extra-firm tofu cut into strips works great instead of chicken.

    Nutrition information

    For scant 1 cup stir-fry (with chicken) over 1/2 cup rice  
    Calories 347
    Calories from Fat 23%
    Fat 9 g
    Saturated Fat <1 g
    Fiber 8 g
    Cholesterol 33 mg
    Sodium 338 mg
    Protein 20 g
    Total Carbohydrate 44 g
    Sugars 15 g


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