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First Birthday Ideas: 10 Tips for a Celebration

First Birthday Ideas: 10 Tips for a Celebration

Happy birthday to your one-year-old! Explore our favorite first birthday ideas and tips to help celebrate.

Medically reviewed by a board-certified pediatrician

This is a real milestone for you and your family. And given its importance, it's never too early to start planning the festivities. No pressure! (No, really, don’t put too much pressure on yourself). Since this party is for the grown-ups as much as it is for the kiddos, we’ve got 10 tips on how to celebrate your baby’s first birthday to make it memorable for everyone.

Your little one’s first birthday is an exciting milestone for both of you, so make sure you enjoy it. Congrats to your one-year-old. Happy Birthday!

  1. Keep it short

    The birthday baby is still very young and probably takes daytime naps. Plan a party that's no longer than two hours. That way the celebration stays happy and remains free of overtired tots.
  2. Send invites early

    Parents are busy people! Make sure you send invitations a few weeks in advance to give people time to add it to their calendars.
  3. Pick a theme

    Choose a simple theme for decorations and cake. Again, keep it pressure-free. Animals, or the first letter of the birthday baby’s name, are good choices for little learners.
  4. Pass out fun favors

    Party hats are fun and make for great photos of friends and family - and social media. So…hats for all, young and old!
  5. Plan some activities

    Speaking of old…if older kids are invited, plan an activity for them. It can be something as simple as a craft project they can complete and take home, or an outdoor game to burn off some energy after eating all that cake.
  6. Keep the menu simple

    Plan a light menu for the adults since they’ll be running around with their own kids. A buffet table of savory goodies like veggie sticks and dips, mini sandwiches, and a cheese board will keep everyone happy until the cake comes out.
  7. The cake

    Birthdays mean cake! If you're confident in the kitchen, then rock a DIY cake like the pro that you are. If not, a cake or sweets from your favorite bakery can keep the baking stress-free and delicious. Love cupcakes? A tiered platter of cupcakes is a fun way to spice up the selection of sweets at your party.
  8. Have a playlist ready

    A party needs to have music! Make sure you have a fun playlist that’s appropriate for all your little guests. Check out our first birthday playlist for some inspiration.
  9. Register for gifts

    Help ease the gift-giving pressures. Sign up for a gift registry so guests don’t have to stress. Just remember, at this age kids usually love the wrapping paper and bow as much as the gift itself.
  10.  Give yourself plenty of prep time

    On the day of the party, make sure you leave enough time to get everything ready. Or, ask someone to come over early and help. That way, when the party begins you can enjoy every moment.

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