All babies have their own timetables. Little boys and girls simply grow and develop at their own rates, and on their own unique schedules. However, there are several common markers you can watch for. Celebrate with your baby as he reaches or nears the following key developmental milestones.
Cognitive Development
- Still nearsighted but better able to see objects at a distance
- Sees detailed patterns and begins to better discern colors
- Notices what you’re looking at and may try to follow your gaze (shared attention)
- Recognizes you from across the room
- May cry or fuss if bored
- Has improved memory, and is better able to make connections between repeated behaviors and the reactions they elicit
Motor Development
- Holds head steady for longer periods of time
- Better able to keep head aligned with body when in a sitting position
- On stomach, rests on arms and hands to look around
- Grasps a rattle; may shake or even bring it to his mouth
- Brings hands and fingers together; looks at and plays with them
- Attempts to bring hands to mouth
- Begins to use mouth to explore objects
- Reaches for a toy and tries to bat it with legs
- Straightens legs and kicks
- Makes smoother, more coordinated movements
- May roll over from front to side
- Bears weight on legs when held upright
Communication Development
- Colic-related crying begins to subside
- Turns head toward sounds
- May try to imitate sounds
- Prefers the sound of human voices, especially mom’s
- Communicates needs, such as hunger and sleepiness, in his own consistent way
- Squeals, growls, and may even giggle
Social Development
- Distinguishes familiar people from strangers
- Smiles socially and in response to your smile
- Smiles to attract attention
- Imitates some of your expressions and movements
- Enjoys playing with others
And if you have any concerns about how your child is growing and developing, or if you are worried she has not yet met some of the common milestones listed here, be sure to speak to your pediatrician.