Congratulations! You’re 2 months pregnant. Hormones are helping prepare your body for your growing baby and may be affecting everything from your energy levels to your mood. You may also be experiencing things like morning sickness, swollen breasts, fatigue, and both food cravings and food aversions. Let’s explore the many things happening to you and your little one.
You’re 2 months pregnant, what could be going on with your body?
Morning sickness
The common experience known as morning sickness may begin—or continue—during your second month of pregnancy. Hormones are believed to play a role. If you’re one of the many moms-to-be dealing with morning sickness, try some at-home remedies such as eating bland crackers or dry toast in the morning, avoiding greasy foods, and consuming small, frequent meals throughout the day. Ginger tea and ginger candy may also help provide some relief. Reach out to your doctor for more support if your nausea is severe or you start losing weight.
Sore and swollen breasts
If your breasts weren’t sensitive and swollen in month one, they might be now as those pregnancy hormones prepare your body for lactation. Your breasts will continue to enlarge and get heavier throughout your pregnancy. Your nipples may become darker and hypersensitive, too.
To help manage breast discomfort, try using a cold compress, wearing loose-fitting clothes, and sleeping on your side rather than your stomach. You may also want to try sleeping in a cotton sports bra. Consider consulting with a bra-fit specialist to find a bra that will help you feel more comfortable and properly supported.
Growing a new human takes a lot of work, so it’s not unusual to feel extra tired in the second month of pregnancy. Between morning sickness, food aversions, stress, and hormonal changes, some sluggishness is common during the first trimester. Consider energy-boosting strategies like moderate exercise and snacking on healthy foods throughout the day, which may help maintain blood sugar levels.
Mood swings
During pregnancy, your feelings may run the gamut from excitement, joy, and gratitude to anxiety, stress, and everything in between. These emotions are not unexpected, considering that you’re on such an incredible life-changing journey. At 2 months pregnant, you’re not only adjusting to a flood of hormonal changes that can affect mood, but you may also be anticipating how your little new family member will impact your life.
If you’re struggling with mood swings, try stress-management strategies like exercising, meditating, talking about your feelings with family and friends, especially experienced moms, eating well, and getting as much sleep as possible. Reach out to your doctor if you’re having severe mood swings or sadness that doesn’t improve.
Food aversions
If the smell or taste of some foods—perhaps even your usual favorites—suddenly turns you off, you could have a food aversion. You may start to feel nauseous and repulsed by just the sight of a certain food. Pregnancy-related food aversions may be related to morning sickness and heightened senses of taste and smell.
It’s OK to avoid those queasiness-inducing foods as long as you’re consuming the important nutrients you need, such as protein and calcium, in other ways. If your food aversions are making you so sick that you can’t eat and are starting to lose weight, talk to your doctor.
Food cravings
Food cravings are common in the second month of pregnancy. In the mood for something salty? Or perhaps a sweet treat? The good news is as long as you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet, it’s OK to satisfy your cravings. Just be sure the foods are not some of the foods to avoid when pregnant.
Other common experiences at 2 months pregnant
Some other bodily changes you may experience during your second month of pregnancy range from constipation and an increased urge to pee to heartburn and headaches. Always speak to your doctor if you have any concerns.
Can you have a 2-month pregnant belly bump?
At 2 months pregnant, you probably won’t have a noticeable bump, but by your eighth week, your uterus is approximately the size of a tennis ball.

2 months pregnant: your baby’s growth and development
During the second month of pregnancy, your little one’s lungs, ears, and arms and legs with tiny webbed fingers and toes begin to develop. The eyes are also starting to form and the early foundations of the brain and spinal cord are beginning to develop.
Your baby’s cozy home, the amniotic sac, as well as the placenta, which is providing your sweet pea with oxygen, nutrients, and hormones, are still developing. Your baby’s growing heart is beating, and if you receive a vaginal ultrasound, you may be able to hear it.
At the end of your eighth week, your baby is no longer considered an embryo; they are now in the fetal stage. By the end of 2 months, the fetus is about the size of a raspberry and looks like a tadpole.
Pregnancy checklist for month 2
- Go to your first prenatal appointment if you haven’t already. Schedule any prenatal tests and talk to your doctor if you’re thinking about genetic testing.
- Keep taking a prenatal vitamin to help support your baby’s health and development.
- Consider where you’d like to deliver your baby, whether in the hospital or at home with a midwife and doula.
- Make a dentist appointment. The hormonal changes you’re going through may increase the chance of periodontal disease and tender, bleeding gums.
Join Enfamil Family Beginnings
You’re 2 months pregnant, and so much is happening to you and your baby. Enfamil Family Beginnings can help you get ready for the amazing changes pregnancy and parenthood will bring. It’s the perfect resource for new and expecting moms. Save on Enfamil products, track your bump and baby’s growth, and get helpful articles each week relevant to your journey. Join now.
Frequently asked questions about the second month of pregnancy
How many weeks is 2 months pregnant?
Is there a 2-month pregnant ultrasound?
At 2 months pregnant, are you able to feel the baby move?